Tag Archives: philosophy

Cultural Diplomacy & artistic exploration

Dear The Lighthouse Community,

Hello & Welcome to Episode 17th of our stories relating them from Djibouti, in the Horn Of Africa!

Your weekly dose of musical playlist, cultural articles & development trends are here for you!

Enjoy to the fullest! 😊🌟

in the cover image: Hirondelle Amour, 1933 by Joan Miro’

Musical playlist first

A good selection of new & old songs, digging deeper into soul thinking & mind touching:

(I can’t get NO) Satisfaction – Rolling Stones

The heart asks pleasure first – Michael Nyman

Houdini – Dua Lipa

Toxic -Britney Spears

For All Seasons – Yanni

Telephone – Lady Gaga featuring Beyoncé’

Space Oddity – David Bowie

Senza te o con te – Annalisa Minetti

Fragments of Time – Daft Punk featuring Todd Edwards

BONUS : pairing music & paintings, Miró & Music, MOMA

Reading list

The Barbie phenomenon, it is hard to overlook – via Harvard Gazette

Cultural Diplomacy and the role of music in strengthening cooperation and relations – Via China Daily

Comprehensive assessment of the Gaza war: expected socio – economic impacts on the state of Palestine – via United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA)

Photos of the week

People, Places, Work! 16 days of activism against gender-based violence will kick off soon with a series of impactful videos of chiefs advocating to end all types of violence against women, from psychological, physical to economical and lack of access to justice! Stay tune, from 25 November to 10 December 2023,on the UN in Djibouti X, Facebook & website channels! Unity is Strength, Together we achieve more, better & more effectively!

Cool days passed & new ones to watch out for

Combo Thursday, 16 November, International Day of Tolerance, emphasizing the need to accept, respect and appreciate all life diversity and people; as well as World Philosophy day, stressing the importance of calm, rest and peaceful mind to critically think and analyze situations, before jumping into reckless conclusions, both days promoted by UNESCO

Tuesday, 21 November World Television day!!!

Thursday, 23 November Thanksgiving & Friendsgiving day, what are your plans?

Enjoy the week, keep shining, keep smiling!



Sustainability is the Future

Welcome to the 15th Edition of the Lighthouse, wishing to all a joyful and cozy November, filled with coffee, whipped cream & good company around!

This week we are featuring a mix of good new music, 3 good news for the week (maintaining the spirit of 3 good news a week keep the doctor away!), an inspirational quote & some photos!

Enjoy & keep shining! ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐

sustainable definition: able to be maintained at a certain rate or level/able to be upheld or defended

Let us maintain a steady emotional & physical health and well-being, and let us protect and defend our planet earth, by being responsible producers and consumers! (let’s not waste food!!)

3 good news:

TV shows, books, philosophical pills

Musical essentials of the week

Good faces, Photos!

food, chefs, port of Djibouti, school meals programme….Djibouti, this, and more!

Quien no arriesga, no gana – dixit in Djibouti on 2 November, International day to end impunity for crimes against journalists UNESCO day

Big hugs, and good week to you!


PS. ❤️

Dwell & Delight

Experiencing the culture of Maldives, through the eyes of my father, mesmerized by women dressed in black burqas, long-haired men in motorcycles, and the sweet flavor of cardamon tea, I lived a moment in time with him, and got to explore cultural new perspectives and richness in diversity.

Muslim country, national language Dhivehi and local currency Maldivian rufiyaa, my dad Eduardo and I got around the capital of Maldives, Male’, looking at the marvelous blue and gold mosques, as well as families strolling around the beaches and surfers catching ultra high waves by the city.

Boats everywhere, we spent time together walking and speaking in English, as locals could understand us – I wish I could speak all the languages in the world! –

Astounded by the similarities with India and Bangladesh – where I am currently living – I found flags of India and Maldives, and dwelt in nice Gender Equality celebrations on the occasion of International Women’s Day, on 8 March, themed: Break the gender stereotype bias and ensure a sustainable equality, starting from today, and for the generations of tomorrow.

As new personal experiences, we meandered around downtown, marveled at the Presidential palace, visited the UN offices, found the Public Broadcasting service – a young woman passionate about Journalism cannot miss the public service media of the country! – and swam for the first time in my life with clothes on!!

As Italians, we savored the delicious local gelato (approved!), found a bookstore ( my passion) and observed young promising talented girls going to school and building their future, through education, social justice and human rights!

As musical people & singers, we had the chance to create our own Maldivian playlist, that I am happy to share with my friends and readers, below.

My dad adores watching the sea, and the waves, and the surfers. He is the Sea. My Sea. He instilled in me the desire to keep exploring and traveling the world. Discovering Places and People.

During this holiday I prayed the Virgin Mary a lot, hoping she can listen to my dreams. I fully believe that we are created to do something powerful in this world, with our words, our kind actions, our smiles and our incommensurable wish to serve others and spread happiness!

I believe in Dreams and in the beauty of our Actions.

I love nature, plants, crystal clear sea and beehives, as women industriously and meticulously work for a higher cause.

I feel grateful because I am healthy, my dad loves me, and together we can continue Loving the world and its beauty in mystery.


In the Summertime – Mungo Jerry

Sitting on the dock of the bay – Otis Redding

I heard it through the grapevine – Creedence Clearwater Revival & Marvin Gaye

Long Train running – The Doobie Brothers

Ready or not – Fugees

Super Freak – Rick James

Taking it to the streets – The Doobie Brothers

Stop – The Spice Girls

Rhythm – Richard Cocciante

Rocket man – Elton John

Macho man – Village People

La musica che gira intorno – Ivano Fossati

Never can say goodbye – Gloria Gaynor

You are so vain – Carly Simon

My first, my last, my everything – Barry White

The best that you can do – Christopher Cross

Beverly Hills cop theme song – Axel F

Ciao from Edu & Gaia, strength and courage for the times ahead! #LookForward

Through Heaven’s Eyes

It has been a while since I last wrote a post and I feel my heart is full of words and my words are full of songs. The best writers write at night, which I find it extremely fascinating & inspiring. You, a piece of paper, a pen, an immense flow of endless thoughts, and the dark, that holds you close and protects you from the noise of the day.


Life has been unraveling to me thanks to some traveling to unknown places, moved by curiosity and desire to learn, by encountering new people and new friends, by discovering new cultures and by speaking new languages to connect. At 29 y.o. soon, I feel good spirits are tracing my life and showing me the way, piano piano.

Mary and Barbara are two high school girlfriends, the extension of myself. We studied together, sharing our love for books, museums, paintings and art in general; enjoying a hot chocolate discussing books and going to the cinema to watch an adventure, a social-historical documentary, a comedy or just a nice love movie. Everyday they remind me of who i am, where i come from, and about the value of True Friendship, that does not need explanation: we are always there for one another no matter the distance or the places we are. We always find a way to get together again, hug, smile and share our lives, by supporting one another.

Amos is a Brazilian friend studying in the seminary of Recife- Brazil to become a Salesian priest. I gave my heart to him when i wrote my university thesis on poverty eradication and social protection programs by moving to Picos, Piaui and then continuing work & research in Brasilia. With him i found God and the immensity of His work on Earth. I understood that our life is fully lived if we serve others, we use our time by inspiring others through our work and our actions and we give a word of peace and true love. He is in my heart and a daily source of inspiration.

Devante is a good spirit i met in Dakar. His smile brings me joy and his presence fills me up with love and energy. I believe he is a genie and he is here close to me now to show me something about life, a new perspective, something i have not yet thought about, and a new look on why we are humans and why we lead our lives the way we do; why we make decisions the way we do, moved by rational mind and irrational emotions. He reminds me of someone i met in my previous life, or perhaps his expressions, his gestures and actions remind me a lot of my father. Life unfolds to the ones who deeply search for the meaning of it.


On life, quest for meanings, philosophers and actions, work fulfills me and i am surrounded by people of different socio-cultural and educational levels and backgrounds, and this also makes me think and feel a lot more grateful than usual. I have been fortunate to be born in a caring family in Europe, who gave me all the comforts and made many sacrifices to give me the best schools opportunities to realize my dream of working for the United Nations.

I am deeply grateful for it all: to life that continues to bring surprises and positive waves- like the Senegalese ocean waves- and to a higher force that we can call God or a higher Spirit that knows it all, and that, if called, He always responds and gives you answers. Just ask Him.

On the day of my birthday a close friend, Bianca, from Rio de Janeiro, is getting married. I wish her a life full of Love, Compassion, Caring, Tolerance, Dialogue, Peace and Understanding, that her new life will be new beginnings of sharing and opening up new and marvelous life paths.


At midnight Senegal time, I feel full, thankful and content. I thank, from my family on, all the people who have been helping me realize my dream. And here I am now to help realize other people’s dreams. Always with gratitude, a smile and a speedy walk of optimism.

We shall Rise.

Il faut le courage de vivre, et la persévérance pour aller de l’avant. Que Dieu nous protège tous.

Playlist of B-day, 25 September 2016 in Dakar- Senegal

Young Girls– Bruno Mars

One Dance– Drake featuring Kyla & Wizkid

Say you will be there– Spice Girls

Through Heaven’s Eyes– Prince of Egypt soundtrack

When you believe– Whitney Houston & Mariah Carey

I’m every woman– Chaka Khan

I want you– Savage Garden

Animal Instinct– The Cranberries

Pana– Tekno

Ain’t no mountain high enough– Marvin Gaye & Tammi Terrell

Roar– Katy Perry

Cold Water– Major lazer featuring Justin Bieber & MØ

G come Giungla– Ligabue

If you had my love– Jennifer Lopez





El avellano y los elefantes Africanos

Esta noche he estado con un amigo contandole las ultimas noticias de la rara y extraordinaria historia de mi vida. Compartiendo chocolate con avellanas y poleo verde en el maravilloso Circulo de Bellas Artes de Madrid- un edificio arquitectonico que nació en1919- y que huespeda un ciclo interminable de increibles exposiciones, un circulo de jazz, un cinema, una libreria ( Libreria Antonio Machado que aconsejo para hacer compras- buena manera de utilizar el dinero que tenemos), fiestas literarias y espectáculos teatrales- empezamos a imaginar la nueva vida en Africa, acordandonos de la pelicula con Robert Redford Out of Africa.

out of africa

Empezé a soñar con mis elefantes, y analizamos el collar que siempre tengo en mi cuello: un elefante- con las orejas grandes- africano entonces! ( el elefante asiatico tiene las orejas pequeñas, nuevo aprendizaje) que me ha estado acompañando durante algunos años que mi tio me regalió cuando era una bambina. 


Luego nuestras conversaciones giraron entorno a la naturaleza, a los animales, y vi brillar sus ojos, la libertad, el contacto entre los humanos y el clima, el ambiente que nos rodea. Me encantó el ver como nosotros, personas humanas, nos emocionamos y brillamos, estamos bien cuando estamos cerca de la naturelza, del mar, de los animales, de los arboles, del verde, de parques, de areas verdes, de montañas…..

Y cerca de avellanas y de los arboles avellanos, que producen frutos con los que se pueden saborear ricas chocolates…

hazelnut tree

Algunas canciones en la lectura 🙂

Four to the Floor– Stairsailor

Reality– Lost frequencies

Maybe tomorrow– Stereophonics

Say it once- Ultra

Mike Stern Band


One two three– Hooverphonic

MAP – Mezquida / Aurignac / Prats 

Cuatro elementos– Musicalité

What you know– Two Door Cinema Club

Me acordé de ti– Fito & Fitipaldis

Adore- Jasmine Thompson

Chemicals– Tiësto & Don Diablo 

Ciao de vuestra viajera y nuevas historias llegaran con el Diario de bordo de Africa!


The School of Madrid

I energetically and strongly believe in the power of your thoughts and dreams. WP_20150829_17_29_54_ProI believe that when you really wish something, you keep thinking about it, and you find things associated to what you are wishing for. For instance, if you wish to go to Asia, you automatically start spotting every thing related to Asia, you start doing research, you magically bump into Asian people or you read something written into a language that you do not of but that you are curiously and mysteriously attracted to. Inexplicably, everything comes to you.

You look and search, but your world of thoughts influences and attracts what you love.WP_20150829_17_05_47_Pro I am reading a book about it, that my roommate left me in the mail box last week. It is called Deja de ser tù- La mente crea la realidad, by Joe Dispenza ( here you can read it if you like) and it fascinatingly explains the theory scienceof quantum mechanics, of atoms and energy, relating them to your world of thoughts, emotions, mind and body. All connected. Recommended reading if you like thinking outside of the box and start taking the lead of your life, making conscious and responsible life and career choices.

Powerful is also walking and talking, like with the walkie-talkie we all loved when we played with it when we were kids (here a great movie scene from Hitch, when Will Smith uses this system for an unusual, crazy and unexpected surprise). Along the way- by going further, by taking roads and communicating with others, we truly discover what we like and what we are good at. Singing can also be a great way to breathe and relax your body, releasing all negative energies.

chinese music godness

As Plato and Aristotle were discussing about philosophy and mathematics in the School of Athens, a beautiful fresco by Raphael (1509-1511) that you can admire in the  Apostolic Palace of the Vatican City, in the Stanza della Segnatura, The School of Madrid is teaching me a lot in terms of dreams, reality, actions, people, places, all at once. Para que tus sueños se hagan realidad– to make your dreams come true- the first step is to start, believe in it, work towards it, get prepared and train for it, persevere ( be determined and tenacious) and never let your dreams go. Don’t set limitations, be free, be hungry to know, be curious, because la vida es un aprendizaje life is a learning- we are here for a small bit of time, a temporary moment on this Earth to saborear– relish- slowly slowly, observe, love and give back. Life is a puff of breath, we really should disfrutar cada momento, como si fuera el ultimo– enjoy every single moment of your life, as if it were your last.

disfruta cada momentoSólo sé que no sé nada– I know that i know nothing, as Greek philosopher Socrates used to say when he was walking in the streets of Athens and meeting people to discuss about the moral values, ethics and universal principles of life. I think we can learn from him. He has been my closest companion since I was in high school. I am sure he will show me the way. And he can light us all.

friendship    family chinese character   love

Some music for your weekend-week, the first of September, entering a new life step:

Oriente– Niccolò Fabi WP_20150829_18_52_47_Pro

Pretty Woman– Roy Orbison

Waiting for Love-Avicii

Hit the road Jack– Ray Charles

Ball and Chain– Janis Joplin

So what– Miles Davis

Your song– Elton John

Mind Games-John Lennon

Beat it- Michael Jackson

Figaro-Luciano Pavarotti

The passenger– Iggy Pop

The Goonies R good enough– Cyndi Lauper

O’ Sarracino– Renato Carosone

When the saints go marching in– Louis Armstroing

Soy el gitano– Camarón de la Isla

Suddenly I see– KT Tunstall

La Gozadera– Gente de Zona featuring Marc Anthony

He’s a pirate– Pirates of the Caribbean sountrack

A little less conversation– Elvis Presley

Arrival of the Birds and Transformation– The Cinematic Orchestra

Haven’t met you yet– Michael Bublé

Mr. Saxobeat- Alexandra Stan

That’s the way it is– Céline Dion

Drag me down– One Direction

Years & Years-King

Let there be Love– Christina Aguilera

Learning to fly- Pink Floyd

Dance again– Jennifer Lopez featuring Pitbull

Stole the show– Kygo featuring Parson James

Have fun, go mad– Blair

Lovefool– The Cardigans

Born to run– Bruce Springsteen

Emergencia de Amor– Laura Pausini

Watch out for this– Major Lazer featuring Busy Signal, The Flexican & FS Green

Down down down– Lollipop

Are you with me– Lost Frequencies

The ting ting’s– Great DJ

Vivo para contarlo– Fito & Fitipaldis

Sale el sol– Shakira

Hello World– Belle Perez

I knew I loved you-Savage Garden

Hoy serà– Antonio Orozco

Un fuerte abrazo from your philosopher-traveler Gaia 🙂


Vegetable cake & colors of Brazil

This Thursday blog is dedicated to veggies, the colors of Brazil and the history of its flag. I wish to guide you through the preparation of a easy and very delicious dish, to gather friends for a nice happy hour: salty cake with vegetables, fresh and ready for the summer time!


As veggies: carrots, peas, potatoes, fennel ( you can mix or add other veggies, as you prefer) colors of Brazil

Use: olive oil, salt & parsley as seasoning

Add: 2 eggs, 100 gr of grated cheese, 1 roll of puff pastry, also called “pâte feuilletée”, to be found in any grocery store.

Put in a pan peas, 2 potatoes, 4 carrots, fennel, turn on the oven and start cooking the veggies with olive oil, salt and a pinch of parsley. Cover the pan and leave it to cook- but always check for the veggies not to get sticky in the pan- cook for around 20 minutes. Turn off the oven and let cool it down.

Take 2 eggs and the grated cheese and add them to the veggies. Mix everything.

Take a baking pan and roll out the puff pastry and add all the veggies dough you have just created.

Put it in the oven and leave it at 180 degrees for 40 minutes.

Tip: use a cooking brush to spread some water around the crust, to make it more golden!

blog vegetable cake

As you can see from the picture, the veggies’ colors are like the Bandeira do Brasil, the Brazilian flag, officially adopted on November 19th 1889, replacing the flag of the Empire of Brazil. The concept was the work of Raimundo Teixeira Mendes (1855-1927) a Brazilian philosopher and mathematician originally from Maranhão. The green field and the yellow rhombus from the previous imperial flag were preserved- the green represented the House of Braganza of Pedro I, the first emperor of Brazil, while the yellow represented the House of the Habsburg of his wife, Empress Maria Leopoldinha. A blue circle with 27 white five-pointed stars replaced the arms of the Empire of Brazil. The stars, represent the Union’s Federated Units- each star representing a specific state, plus one for the Federal District.formule amour positivisme

The motto, Ordem e Progresso ( “Order and Progress”) is inspired by Auguste Comte’s (1798-1857, French philosopher) motto of positivism: L’Amour pour principe et l’ordre pour base: le progrès pour but (“Love as a principle and order as the basis, progress as the goal”).

Here a quote about Love from Anaïs Nin (1903-1977) a Cuban author who lived and produced novels, journals, short stories, essays and erotica between France and the United States of America.

you cannot save people you can only love them

Songs while cooking:

Dream on– Aerosmith

It takes a fool to remain sane– The Ark

Radioactive– Imagine Dragons

Electric feel- MGMT

You get what you give– New Radicals

Blue moon– Billie Holiday

Vogue– Madonna

Lady ( Hear me tonight) – Modjo

Coming up roses– Keira Knightley

Velha Infancia– Tribalistas

Congregation– Foo Fighters

Owner of a Lonely Heart– Yes

It’s a love thing– The Whispers

A night to remember– Shalamar

Summertime- DJ Jazzy & The Fresh Prince

Ciao and see you next week!
