Monthly Archives: May 2016

The power of: Focus, Believe & Go!

The amaziness of living in a developing country is that you actually get to see what really goes on under the Iceberg model, the one they teach you at university during your consumer behavior class. Applied to societal dynamics, you see real people, unfiltered, as they are, with their most pressing physiological needs, the ones that you have studied during your psychology class in high school explained through the Maslow Hierarchy of Needs.

You see how people are, how we all are, what we need, what we are, what we want, what we dream, what we want to become. I imagine it is a huge eye-opening experience for everyone who has the opportunity to come on this side of the world.

With that said, I can guarantee that there are truly many things to do out here. Apart from the human and huge emotional experience that work and life here take out of you and your human energies, everyone around you look, ask, stop you, there is also a huge sense of giving back and making a real impact because your actions are based upon the true observation of reality. As Hindu Prince Gautama Siddharta, founder of Buddhism, 563-483 B.C. quoted “Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it.” 

I think because of family and education some people are just naturally curious to go out there and discover the world, what there is and to do something to make the world a little bit a better place, with good intentions, big smile, huge motivation, determination to do the right thing and patience to slowly see the improvements of the tiny seeds we plant during our “chemin”– life path.

These kind of people are stubborn and they have strong courage, they know what they want and, despite all “NOs” of family and interrogative questions by all types of friends and relatives, they just take their bag and go. They want to see, they want to make a good use of their eyes. And, if needed, finally drastically and heavily hit the pure and bitter reality.

However, for Impatient Optimists and tireless visionaries, thinking of Bill and Melinda Gates, or at Steve Jobs, and millions of other travelers, artists, singers, idealists, human rights advocates, ordinary people who believe that life has equal value for everyone, and that everyone should deserve respect, kindness and listening, oh well, welcome to the club and i think the boat can be still full of dreams, big actions and space for improvement and learning.

Today after work I bumped into a young Senegalese student, Abdul, 15 years old boy, with a cap, a school bag, and some water in a plastic bag, we started talking. A bus crossed the street and a boy on the bus insulted Abdul’s mother. Now, reason of the insult unknown, I asked Abdul why the boy did that and encouraged him to ask for respect. He said he wanted to beat him when he would reach home because apparently there were neighbors. I tried to explain violence leads to nothing and instead would be better to use words to ask for and to give respect. We ate together two sandwiches and he continued on his way home. Episodes like this happen everyday and we do not see them. More violent, more aggressive, with more hatred and negativity involved. and what can we do? I understand by being here that it is humanly impossible to be in charge and to take charge of every possible cruel and unfair behaviors and actions done by others. The best things (and the most beautifully done, with care and “almost” perfection- nothing is perfect daily reminder) are the ones in which we focus on and we completely dedicate ourselves into. Passion, Persistence, Focus and, as my father always taught me, do one (or maximum two things) at the same time. In this way, you have the energy, the open mind and the good dose of concentration to specialize in what really counts for you, your life and especially your heart. 

Today I was thinking of blogging, journalism and objectively report what goes on this crazy planet. I am particularly fond of women empowerment and instilling inspiration, motivation, hopes and dreams in them so that they can discover and speaking out their mind of what they want to become. Interestingly enough, I found myself really interested in environmental issues as well, and how to take care of the planet by taking care of the environment in which we live, by cleaning up, recycling and ensure that everyone breathes healthy air for their health and for the health of the whole community.

I am sharing some pictures close to my heart in this period of my life, which include: Island of Gorée, my swimming teacher Lamine, who believed in me and prepared me for my swimming competitions ( Go Senegal, and please look at him from the motorcycle mirror: despite of all vicissitudes, he ALWAYS smiles and gives a hand! ), children dancing Capoeira (i believe in children and the power of dancing)  the meaning of commitment-engagement, the power of the wind and of the ocean of Senegal, Girls in communications and technology ( the future of this global technological world to connect and solve the challenges of our century through collaboration, information-sharing and brilliant minds) and a couple of playlist that I was listening from Youtube while writing this blog post 🙂

believe Lamine


believe 6

believe 3

believe 4

believe 5

Youtube Playlist:

Mix The Smiths

Mix Kings of Convenience

Mix Stereophonics

Mix Keane

Mix Madonna


O círculo perfeito / Le circle parfait

Eu gostaria de ter um pincel para ver o seu rosto

Pintá-lo com cores uma vez

Pintá-lo em preto e branco pela segunda vez

Abranger sua alma

Todos os tempos curtos e intensos que passamos juntos

Viajando ao redor do mundo

Todos em torno de um círculo que começa e termina com o Amor

Um círculo perfeito

Que volta onde ele pertence,

Circulante em outro nível de pensamentos, compreensão e velocidade de tempo,

O círculo perfeito está fazendo sua ronda,

E em breve vai completar o seu circuito.


Como uma bola perfeita redonda,

Será completa de novo,

O futuro é desconhecido e o destino dos seres humanos incerto,

Mas os círculos são perfeitos, fazendo voltas e mais voltas e desejo de estar unidos e finito.


Como o infinito você é

Enchendo meus sonhos, realidade, alma e momento em cada dia da minha vida

Almas perfeitas deveriam estar juntas

linha do tempo da história, podemos dar certo

O círculo perfeito vai começar em um novo Amor

Conscientes de que o amor humano não é perfeito

Mas almas sabem mais, mais profunda, melhor

E mais de corações e mentes dos seres humanos.

Eles sabem o que fazer e quando fazê-lo.

Eles não escutam os prazos humanos ou a história e evolução da humanidade,

Eles simplesmente agem sobre o que eles sabem.

Mais do que pensamos que podemos imaginar.


Le cercle parfait

Je voudrais avoir un pinceau pour voir ton visage

Peindre avec des couleurs une fois

Peindre en noir et blanc pour la deuxième fois

Embrasser ton âme

Tout le temps, court et intense que nous avons passé ensemble

En voyageant à travers le monde

Tout autour d’un cercle qui commence et termine avec l’Amour

Un cercle parfait

qui retourne là où il appartient,

Courant à un autre niveau de pensées, compréhension et vitesse du temps

Le cercle parfait fait ses tours,

Et bientôt il va terminer son circuit


Comme un ballon parfait et rond,

Il sera complet à nouveau,

L’avenir est inconnu et le destin des êtres humains incertain,

Mais les cercles sont parfaits, faisant rebondissements et le désir d’être uni et fini.


Comme l’infini, tu es

En Remplissant mes rêves, ma réalité, mon âme et mon temps, chaque jour de ma vie

Les âmes parfaites devraient être ensemble

chronologie de l’histoire, nous pouvons le faire

Le cercle parfait va commencer dans un nouvel amour

Conscient du fait que l’amour humain n’est pas parfait

Mais les âmes savent plus, plus profond, mieux

Et plus que les cœurs et les esprits des êtres humains.

Ils savent quoi faire et quand le faire.

Ils n’écoutent des délais humains ou l’histoire et l’évolution de l’humanité,

Ils agissent seulement sur ce qu’ils savent.

Plus que nous pensons que nous pouvons imaginer.



Social Change through Media, Information, Communication & Good quality journalistic reporting

The best part of being in a new country is getting to know the people who live there  and through their stories & voices, understand how they live, why they do what they do, what they believe in and their thoughts, opinions and ideas on specific issues, as education, role of women in society, types of jobs they perform and opportunities for the future, family relations, hobbies and recreational activities that the place where they live in offers, how they establish emotional ties and the role of religion and of the state on society’ s rules and regulations.

A special line of conversation, transparent, frank, clear, true and real is the one you get to have with children. I am particularly fond of it. Kids speak their mind and they tell you exactly the State of the Art, without fear, embarrassment or filter. They just tell you the story of what they live, how they live it, adding their real imagination of what they wish to see change, putting their dreams out there and,with the same seriousness with which they are telling their story, they add their smiles and they dance on their dreams.

Yesterday I was at Ngor beach in Dakar, where many women were busy grilling fish and sea food for local and tourists, walking up and down the beach with fruit salads and local coffees in small plastic glasses, mingling with children playing football and young boys and girls getting to know one another with their smiles and feet wet in the ocean.


I got to meet four young boys, aging 12 to 17 years old. While building a sand castle, we natural discussed about their schools, the languages they speak and they study, their willingness to be doctors after university, the role of women and marriage, polygamy and monogamy according the religion, the Islam religion and the importance of Ramadan for them,  Senegalese tv series that portray scenes of society (the one mentioned was wiri wiri, you can find some episodes on Youtube here) and their passion for football.
I was impressed of how much they know and they tell you without filtering. This I true, simple and straightforward information.

While building the sand castle, we instead built a house, collaborating with hands and common efforts to materialize the house that they (and that I believe We all) want, which included: A must huge football field where they can play, and a greener area playing field where women can bring their smaller children. A Mosque where you can go pray and be thankful to God each and everyday for what we have. Big public toilets, many rooms with beds where everyone can sleep well and in peace, resting body and mind after a long working day, a kitchen and a living room. We also added a vegetable garden where we can grow vegetables and cultivate corn, essential to autonomously produce food and feed the whole community. A self sustaining house that at the end became an extended house, called community.


Community is the sum of collaborative efforts to provide goods and services for the Good of the population who lives there, making sure that everyone is satisfied and each need is fulfilled. Leaving no one behind and listening to their needs, so that the community can grow and function well together, advancing on good quality services and general  well-being of the population, generating common willingness to contributing to the well-being of others.

The image if the sand house-community was a powerful visual way of perceiving reality and the meaning of the res publica, as wise Latins taught us: The well-being of the population cascades to the well-being of the individual, and if each and everyone of us has a conscious civic responsibility to contribute to the well-being of the environment and the community of people around her/him, societies can flourish, grow, progress, advance and shine.

This is the reason why Media, Radios, Information, Communication, Blogs and quality journalistic reporting  are essential to getting to know and understanding the dynamics of the community where you live: To analyze, improve and change for the better what seems not to work. Or, also to read/listen/watch other communities’ practices (good or bad): To learn, understand and improve.

Life teaches us everyday, and our responsibility is to make this world a better place, one sand grain at the time, but acting together and united for the well being of everyone, never giving up, with patience, observation, determination and perseverance. And a sand grain of big Hopes and children’ Dreams.

Here a dance that the architects of the community in sand performed to celebrate the cooperation!


Ama a Vida: Abacaxi, Manga e Chocolate / Aime la Vie: Ananas, Mangue et Chocolat

Acordando sinto a sua presença, me acaricia o rosto

Sonhando com você e falando em voz alta

Me sinto alegre e cheia de felicidade

Perto o longe, não importa, a sua cara está sempre em frente de mim

E vejo isso na lua, nas estrelas, no céu, no mar e no pôr du sol.


Como abacaxi, manga e chocolate,

E o coração  se enche

De suas memorias.


Eu adoro você.


Estou na piscina

Fecho os olhos

E sua cara ainda está clara na mente.


Como abacaxi,

Amarelho, como uma coroa,

Dura fora, e doce dentro.


Pegamos a estrada,

Vejo construções, homens sentados em cadeiras na rua e garotos que jogam com uma bola de futebol

Com os oculos de sol, observo da janela do carro

E penso em você,

Se estivesse aqui.


Quantas coisas poderiamos aprender juntos;

Muito para estudar

Para fazer

Para entender

Energia e esperança

Para comprender as desigualdades que existem

E a origem delas

O que podemos fazer?

Vamos entender um dia?


Como manga

Fruto da India e lembranças do Brasil

Saboreo e penso em você,

Um perfume que nunca vou esquecer.


Falo com os novos amigos

Misturando francês e italiano

Ainda muito para comprender

Cruzando vidas e compartilhando historias

Penso que tudo é possivel

E um lugar de encontro é necessario para entender, compartilhar e aprender novas coisas.


Como chocolate,

Amante dos dulces,

Não posso viver sem cacau

E, tudo misturado a fruta,

Issa é a melhor combinação e mistura da vida.


Como as frutas, novas, coloridas, com diferentes gostos e sabores, de diferentes origens,

Se encontram todas agora no prato da vida,

E, se aceitamos a mistura e nos juntamos,

Vamos preparar o melhor sorvete da vida, do sabor de abacaxi, manga e chocolate.

Juntos, podemos.



Se réveiller et sentir ta présence, en caressant mon visage

je rêve de toi en parlant à haute voix

Je me sens heureuse et pleine de bonheur

Proche ou loin, peu importe, ton visage est toujours devant moi

Et je le vois dans la lune, les étoiles, le ciel, la mer et le coucher du soleil.


Je mange l’ananas, la mangue et le chocolat,

Et mon cœur se remplit

Avec tes mémoires.


Je t’adore.


Je suis dans la piscine

Je ferme les yeux

Et ton visage est toujours claire dans mon esprit.


Je mange l’ananas,

jaune, avec une couronne,

Dur à l’extérieur et doux à l’intérieur.


Nous reprenons la route,

Je vois des bâtiments, des hommes assis sur des chaises dans la rue et les enfants jouant avec un ballon de football

Avec les lunettes de soleil, je regarde de la fenêtre de la voiture

Et je pense à toi

Si tu étais ici


Combien de choses que nous pourrions apprendre ensemble;

Beaucoup à étudier

à comprendre

énergie et espoir

Afin de comprendre les inégalités qui existent

Et leur origine

Que pouvons-nous faire?

Entendrons-nous un jour?


Je mange la mangue

Fruit de l’Inde et souvenirs du Brésil

Je goûte et je pense à toi

Un parfum que ne je ne vais jamais oublier.


Je parle à de nouveaux amis

En mélangeant le français et l’italien

Encore beaucoup à comprendre

Traversant vies et partageant des histoires

Je pense que tout est possible

Et un lieu de rencontre, il est nécessaire pour comprendre, pour partager et pour apprendre de nouvelles choses.


Je mange le chocolat,

Amante de bonbons,

Je ne peux pas vivre sans cacao

Et tout mélangé aux fruits,

C’est la meilleure combinaison et  mélange de la vie.


Tels que les fruits, nouveaux, colorés, avec des goûts et des saveurs de différentes origines,

Ils sont tous maintenant sur l’assiette de la vie,

Et si nous acceptons le mélange et nous nous réunissons,

Nous allons préparer la meilleure glace de la vie, au goût de l’ananas, de mangue et du chocolat.

Ensemble, nous pouvons.