Tag Archives: environment

Beauty of the clouds

The clouds are normally associated with dreams, the “head in the clouds” means that a person is always thinking about something and perhaps not paying full attention to the current conversation going on between two or more people.

I loved the clouds, and the feelings of possibly touching them one day. For now, I surely enjoy flying, which makes me see them, as often as possible, closer to us human beings.

Yesterday, April 22nd, World Earth Day was celebrated, as a reminder of the students’ movement of the seventies, where an environmental conscience, as well as a positive anger against wars at the time, a replacement of “war” with “love”, a call for solidarity and collective actions in society, a committed and engaged march of street demonstrations for political and cultural demands for change, strong fight for civil rights movement, took place and awakened souls and minds.

Moreover, the 68 revolution all over the world where the importance of the interconnection between human beings and nature is one and must be protected and celebrated each day.

information libre 68

Thought-provoking and counter-culture posters from a Gallery of visually Arresting Posters from the May 1968 Paris Uprising

While living in Nairobi, capital of Kenya- East Africa, I very much enjoy the nature around me, the very many trees and forests, and I believe a bigger effort should be made, by everyone of us, to preserve and protect the marvelous work of mother earth and do not pollute with our industrial and capitalistic presence on planet earth.

Being aware of the human footprint and industrial business outputs on the nature is the first step to care more about the human and living species on Earth.





world earth day 2017

Earth Day 2017, celebrated on April 22, by Earth Day Networ



1970 US stamp


la beaute est dans la rue

Thought-provoking and counter-culture posters from a Gallery of visually arresting posters from the May 1968 Paris Uprising

Today, April 23, the international community celebrates World Book and Copyright Day, highlighting the importance of books as instruments to acquire knowledge and use it wisely to make a positive change in society, in terms of cultural  enrichment, socio-political thoughts, economic adjustments, business ideas and plans of actions to make the society as a whole thrive.


Well-known slogan of the end of sixties.





Some further readings:

Insightful paper the ideas of a thinker whose ideas were a major influence upon the student radicals of 1968 unpublished, article from September 2008, Be realistic, demand the impossible. Click here to read.

Another paper on the Civil Rights Movements of the 60’s and 70’s: Successes and Failures 


I wish to leave you tonight with some thoughts on the 68 uprising in the US and in Europe, and to reflect on this current European situation, on the power of media and how to use it wisely, on presidential elections in Europe ( now in France) in Kenya in August, on terrorist attacks, on fear, on borders and frontiers, on technology and speed of information, to understand what went wrong, and how we got lost in translation. To recover a sense of reality and, on the importance of human beings ( of nature surrounding, which is part of us and we are part of it) and to speak up and call for action ( not only sitting down in our offices doing our daily tasks and assignments).

There was no formal organisation behind this uprising. It was everyday people who had been pushed too far, showing a solidarity that jumped the shackles of class, age and education. The kind of revolution of everyday life leading to a societal dialogue where people truly functioned as a collective brain, pulse and heart. There seems to be evidence here of the making of an ultra-potent antidote to the extremely scary fragmented, cubicled and computer-screened hyper-individualism of today. Your blog won’t change anything. Your Facebook potentially could, but only if you add to it by meeting and communicating face-to-face with people from walks of life very different to yours.

El avellano y los elefantes Africanos

Esta noche he estado con un amigo contandole las ultimas noticias de la rara y extraordinaria historia de mi vida. Compartiendo chocolate con avellanas y poleo verde en el maravilloso Circulo de Bellas Artes de Madrid- un edificio arquitectonico que nació en1919- y que huespeda un ciclo interminable de increibles exposiciones, un circulo de jazz, un cinema, una libreria ( Libreria Antonio Machado que aconsejo para hacer compras- buena manera de utilizar el dinero que tenemos), fiestas literarias y espectáculos teatrales- empezamos a imaginar la nueva vida en Africa, acordandonos de la pelicula con Robert Redford Out of Africa.

out of africa

Empezé a soñar con mis elefantes, y analizamos el collar que siempre tengo en mi cuello: un elefante- con las orejas grandes- africano entonces! ( el elefante asiatico tiene las orejas pequeñas, nuevo aprendizaje) que me ha estado acompañando durante algunos años que mi tio me regalió cuando era una bambina. 


Luego nuestras conversaciones giraron entorno a la naturaleza, a los animales, y vi brillar sus ojos, la libertad, el contacto entre los humanos y el clima, el ambiente que nos rodea. Me encantó el ver como nosotros, personas humanas, nos emocionamos y brillamos, estamos bien cuando estamos cerca de la naturelza, del mar, de los animales, de los arboles, del verde, de parques, de areas verdes, de montañas…..

Y cerca de avellanas y de los arboles avellanos, que producen frutos con los que se pueden saborear ricas chocolates…

hazelnut tree

Algunas canciones en la lectura 🙂

Four to the Floor– Stairsailor

Reality– Lost frequencies

Maybe tomorrow– Stereophonics

Say it once- Ultra

Mike Stern Band


One two three– Hooverphonic

MAP – Mezquida / Aurignac / Prats 

Cuatro elementos– Musicalité

What you know– Two Door Cinema Club

Me acordé de ti– Fito & Fitipaldis

Adore- Jasmine Thompson

Chemicals– Tiësto & Don Diablo 

Ciao de vuestra viajera y nuevas historias llegaran con el Diario de bordo de Africa!
