Tag Archives: africa

Business Ideas for our New World of Work

It is all about Creativity and the desire to grow, to become more, to do more. This is the idea, experienced on my skin, that is taking shape all around the world. People in Europe are talking about pension systems, protection of workers and legislation, retirement benefits and healthcare. Africa is putting its business ideas in practice by tapping on the potentials of its youth, full of energy and willingness to make their dreams come true and be the protagonists of their lives. Africa is Young, and Present. It is colorful and fun. They are many great minds and bright young people who want to make a powerful social impact on the society, and then travel the world and take the business case of Africa, as the Rise of this century. This is truly happening.

Tapping on human development, freedom, flexibility, open-mindedness and friendships, African Business women & men are hitting the targets of people’s hearts, with their gentle manners and desire to share knowledge and ideas. In Nigeria, for instance, I am following a great blog, called “She Leads Africa”, where the editors are giving useful tips and advice to African business women who want to venture in entrepreneurship. From digital skills training, to webinars on entering the Nigerian political career ( 2019 is Election Year), to taking care of health, wellness, body, mind and spirit and relationships of rising Women, all over the globe.

In Kenya, where I am right now, Kenyan women are keen and experts on exhibitions and fairs, on food, kitenge (Kenyan fabric), beauty and cosmetics, jewelry, body art, paintings, set up either in shopping malls, or in bars/coffee places, where Music entertains the audience coming to check the products. It is the New Way of Work. A new perspective based on engagement, friendship and business networks. Ready with your stand, your products, your social media (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and Website), as well as business cards and . It is the creative work that we all wish. Fun, flexible, people-driven and people-related.


It is not the people who follow jobs, but now the paradigm changes: it is jobs and assignments that follow people, who make the work their Passion and how their invest their Quality Time in what they Love. 

I came across, for instance, with two businesses, on health & body wellness. Interactions start face-to-face, before finding them again on social media and newsletters updates on what happens with the products and how you can purchase them online ( & home delivery): Terra, cold pressed juices (different fruits all mixed, with no sugar and no conservatives) and Mugzie’s Natural, working with shea butter, mixed with essential oils, and flavored vanilla, peppermint and coconut, all organic products, for hair, beard and skin). They are fantastic ideas, driven by socio-environmental impact, and for the health of body and spirit.


The next step would be to make entrepreneurial environments protected and free to operate, to give opportunities for everyone to navigate the new system and protect workers and access to finance, business environment and government policies of support and legal infrastructure.

Work needs to be primarily about human development and tapping into the potential of each individual to unleash the best of him/her to contribute actively and responsibly to society. Work should not be a burden, but should be a passion. And to become a passion, related studies must be channeled through the achievement of the Love and Passion.

choose a job that you love and you will never work a day of your life

2 things are key then: 1. know what you want, and 2. channel your energies into it. No matter the place, the important is to be happy and fulfilled, so that when you go to bed, you can say: i am happy i did something i like, i learned something new, i am contributing to society, i am nurturing my soul, i can learn something more new tomorrow. These are the kind of thoughts that should pass by our mind each night, before falling asleep and dream of the next exciting day.

To stay tuned to British celebration weekend (Royal Wedding derailed all the attention to Prince Harry and Meghan Markle 19 May 2018, UK & USA, new Modernity and Young Energy -despite all the televised emotions)

“Imagine the Whole World when Love is the Way…”– GREAT Rev. Michael Curry, head of the Episcopal Church, gave a passionate address in which he quoted Martin Luther King, read Stand By Me on New York Times & the full speech of Reverend Michael Curry

a UK-USA Playlist chosen from me to you:

Stand by me (version UK Royal Wedding Gospel Choir)

Sultan of Swing– Dire Straits

Let it be– The Beatles

Broken wings– Mr. Mister

Please please please– The Smiths

Stop me if you think you’ve heard this one before– The Smiths

Rocket man– Elton John

Heroes– David Bowie

Cherish the Day– Sade

Have a joyful Sunday!








El avellano y los elefantes Africanos

Esta noche he estado con un amigo contandole las ultimas noticias de la rara y extraordinaria historia de mi vida. Compartiendo chocolate con avellanas y poleo verde en el maravilloso Circulo de Bellas Artes de Madrid- un edificio arquitectonico que nació en1919- y que huespeda un ciclo interminable de increibles exposiciones, un circulo de jazz, un cinema, una libreria ( Libreria Antonio Machado que aconsejo para hacer compras- buena manera de utilizar el dinero que tenemos), fiestas literarias y espectáculos teatrales- empezamos a imaginar la nueva vida en Africa, acordandonos de la pelicula con Robert Redford Out of Africa.

out of africa

Empezé a soñar con mis elefantes, y analizamos el collar que siempre tengo en mi cuello: un elefante- con las orejas grandes- africano entonces! ( el elefante asiatico tiene las orejas pequeñas, nuevo aprendizaje) que me ha estado acompañando durante algunos años que mi tio me regalió cuando era una bambina. 


Luego nuestras conversaciones giraron entorno a la naturaleza, a los animales, y vi brillar sus ojos, la libertad, el contacto entre los humanos y el clima, el ambiente que nos rodea. Me encantó el ver como nosotros, personas humanas, nos emocionamos y brillamos, estamos bien cuando estamos cerca de la naturelza, del mar, de los animales, de los arboles, del verde, de parques, de areas verdes, de montañas…..

Y cerca de avellanas y de los arboles avellanos, que producen frutos con los que se pueden saborear ricas chocolates…

hazelnut tree

Algunas canciones en la lectura 🙂

Four to the Floor– Stairsailor

Reality– Lost frequencies

Maybe tomorrow– Stereophonics

Say it once- Ultra

Mike Stern Band


One two three– Hooverphonic

MAP – Mezquida / Aurignac / Prats 

Cuatro elementos– Musicalité

What you know– Two Door Cinema Club

Me acordé de ti– Fito & Fitipaldis

Adore- Jasmine Thompson

Chemicals– Tiësto & Don Diablo 

Ciao de vuestra viajera y nuevas historias llegaran con el Diario de bordo de Africa!


Passistas de Samba & Pão de Queijo Lovers

I am discovering again the Brazilian culture, I love the people and the way they approach you, in an informal and kind way, teaching you samba steps and offering you smiles and happiness with music and joy. 


View of the city of Goiânia, downtown

Along with dancing, which I am a real fan of and I love experimenting new dance styles, I am listening new Brazilian samba songs and authors that I wish to share with you. In my spare holiday time, I am meeting great people, learning to cook Pão de Queijo, which is one of the most wondrous and delicious food you can ever taste in all parts of Brazil. Here the recipe, the secret is mandiocapolvinho azedo which in English is called sour starch and it comes from manioc or mostly known as Cassava, a woody shrub cultivated in tropical and subtropical areas of South America. It is a major source of carbohydrates and it looks like a tuber. When dried, the Cassava is called tapioca.

preparing Pão de queijo_II

photo 1. preparing Pão de queijo with Miss Marina in the city of Caldas Novas                                  photo 2. Manioc roots in the fruits&veggies market of the city of Goiânia

Samba dance finds its roots in Africa via the West African slave trade and African religious traditions, particularly Angola and the Congo. It is recognized as the symbol of Brazil and the Brazilian Carnival and it is considered one of the most popular Brazilian cultural expressions. The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization proclaimed Samba de Roda of the Recôncavo of Bahia a UNESCO Cultural Heritage of Humanity in 2005. Samba de Roda, which involves music, dance and poetry, developed in the State of Bahia during the XVII century and it encompasses many different rhythms, tunes, drumming and dances of various periods and areas of the Brazilian territory.

bahia                    state of bahia

In the indigenous language, “samba” means roda de dança, or a circle to dance since the indigenous peoples dances in celebration on many occasions, such as the celebration of popular Catholic festivals, Amerindian or Afro-Brazilian religious ceremonies, but was also practiced as improvisation. The choreography is often spontaneous and is based on movements of the feet, legs and hips.

The rhythm of samba is the unusually accented syncopated beat. The syncopated rhythm is also an indication of Black resistance against cultural assimilation. The Samba of Roda was considered an expression of freedom and identity of the unprivileged and became a means of liberation.

africa map

angola             congo

Samba de Roda was eventually taken by migrants to Rio de Janeiro, where it influenced the evolution of the urban samba that became a symbol of Brazilian national identity in the XX century.


Annual Carnival in Rio de Janeiro with a colorful parade of Escolas de Samba

The musical instruments used for playing samba are cavaquinho– a small string instrument of the European guitar family with four or gut strings and various types of guitar, and various percussion instruments such as tamborim. It is a 2/4 tempo varies with the conscious use of a sung chorus to a batucada rhythm, a substyle of samba referring to the African influences Brazilian percussive style, usually performed by an ensemble, known as bateria, at a fast and repetitive pace. Other instruments include snare drums called caixas, agogô bells, surdos, ganzas/ chocalho (shakers), timbal, pandeiro and the repinique. The apito is often used by the leader to signal breaks and calls. The most interesting instrument which gives the special sound of samba is the cuica, listen to its solo sound here, and here in a samba song.

The Samba National Day is celebrated on December 2. The date was established at the initiative of Luis Monteiro da Costa, an Alderman of Salvador, in honor of the Brazilian composer, pianist, soccer commentator and talent-show TV and radio host Ary Barroso. He composed Na Baixa do Sapateiroeven though he had never been in Bahia. Thus 2 December marked the first visit of Ary Barroso to Salvador. Initially, this day was celebrated only in Salvador, but eventually it turned into a national holiday.

Enjoy the colors of the Samba and why not becoming a Passista (Samba dancer!) ? 🙂

Samba Playlist:

Não deixe o Samba morrer– Maria Rita

Roda- Elis Regina

Canto de Ossanha ( A Vida tem Sempre Razão)– Seu Jorge

Saudosa Maloca– Herois de Botequim

Magalenha– Sergio Mendes

Nas asas da da canção– Nelson Sargento

Expressão do teu olhar- Candeia

Sem ilusão– Elton Medeiros

Miragem– Guilherme de Brito

A flor e o espinho– Nelson Cavaquinho

Quem Me Vê Sorrindo– Cartola 

O sol e a Brisa– Zeca Pagodinho

Sede- Jorge Aragão

Sabor do Samba– Patricio Teixeira

Vai Saudade- Heitor dos Prazeres (1965)

Este samba foi feito pra você – Mário Reis (1935)

Para O Samba Entrar No Céu- Almirante & Bando de Tangarás (1931)

Brasil Pandeiro– Beth Carvalho e Ivete Sangalo

Cladas Novas & Passistas de Samba 032

Herois de Botequim in Café Nice, Goiânia- Brazil